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Guidelines for Abstract Submission


1. Abstract Requirements: Your abstract must be no more than 250 words and include a clear statement of the research question or objective, a brief description of the methods used, a summary of the main results or findings, and a conclusion or discussion of the implications of the research. 


​2. Use Arial Font, Size 12, double spaced 


3. Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title for your abstract (limit to 30 words). 


4. Author Information: Include the names and affiliations of all authors and their email addresses. Indicate who will be presenting the research if accepted (underline presenting author). 


5. Symposium topics: Indicate the symposium topic that best describe your research. Topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • Ant History and Taxonomy, 

  • Morphology and Function of Ants in Ecosystem,  

  • Ant Community and Structure,  

  • Biodiversity and Distribution of Ants,  

  • Ants Ecology and Behavior,  

  • Ants Genetics & Genomics,  

  • Symbiosis in Ants,  

  • Ants Research in Malaysia 


6. References: References should be avoided unless essential. If necessary, include any references or citations used in your abstract in APA or MLA style. 


​7. Submission: Submit your abstract in .docx format online through email ( by the submission deadline (31st August 2023). You will receive a confirmation email once your submission is received. 


8. Notification: You will be notified by email of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract. If accepted, you will receive further instructions on how to prepare your presentation for the conference. 

Guidelines for oral presentations 


Oral presentations will be strictly limited, and a decision on which presentations will be selected will be made by the conference committee to balance content and opportunity. Those opting to give oral presentations but not awarded a speaking position will be shifted to poster presentations.  


Talks should be in presented in 10 to 12 minutes, with 3 to 5 minutes of Q& A session. 


Talks will be allocated to symposia once all abstracts have been received. We will therefore not be able to guarantee the exact symposia until we have all abstracts.  


Guidelines for Poster presentations 


To submit a poster, please follow these guidelines: 

  1. Poster Size and Layout: Your poster must be no larger than 122 cm x 91 cm (48 inches wide by 36 inches tall). The layout of your poster should be clear and easy to read, with an emphasis on graphics and visual aids. The design should be on vertical (landscape) orientation 

  2. Content: Your poster should include a clear and concise title, the names and affiliations of all authors, an introduction or background to the research, a description of the methods used, a summary of the main results or findings, and a conclusion or discussion of the implications of the research. You may also include any references or citations used in your research. 

  3. Design: Your poster should be visually appealing and use colors, images, and graphs or charts to illustrate your research. You may use software such as Adobe Illustrator or PowerPoint to create your poster. 

  4. Printing: You are responsible for printing your poster and bringing it to the conference. We recommend using a professional printing service to ensure the best quality. Please bring your poster with you to the conference and set it up at the designated poster session. 

  5. Presentation: You are expected to be present at your poster during the designated poster session to answer questions and discuss your research with attendees. The exact date and time of your poster session will be provided to you in advance of the conference.


Poster Competition Announcement 


We are excited to announce the poster competition at the upcoming ANet Conference. All accepted student poster submissions are automatically entered into the competition. The top three posters will be selected by a panel of judges based on criteria such as scientific content, clarity of presentation and visual design. 


The prizes for the top three posters are as follows: 


1st Place: XX and a certificate of recognition 

2nd Place: XX and a certificate of recognition 

3rd Place: XX and a certificate of recognition 


Winners will be announced at the conference closing ceremony. 


We encourage all researchers to submit their best work for consideration. This is a great opportunity to share your research with a wider audience and potentially win a prize! 

ANeT Secretariate,
Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah

© 2023 Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation
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